Kubernets Secret (2)
Table of contents
5. How to decode the secret
Previous we see how to create a secret, now let’s use the base64 encode secret to decode the secret
Let’s first get the secret creating yaml file,
k get secrets database-data -o yaml > secret.yaml
let’s use an simple opaque example, and we can see the file
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
creationTimestamp: "2024-12-29T20:17:39Z"
name: database-data
namespace: database-ns
resourceVersion: "5076"
uid: a7c50ba3-8945-4ba2-b40e-27e2ecb86f2b
type: Opaque
And the data is base64 encoded, so let’s decode it.
k get secrets database-data -n database-ns -o jsonpath='{.data.*}' | base64 -d
and this will generate the decode DB_PASSWORD
6. More Reference
There are more reference about secret can be found in officail documents.