Etcd Backup and Restore (3)

Last post I have show steps to restore etcd, but when we edit the /etc/kubernetes/manifest/etcd.yaml file, there are some confuse among the /var/lib/etcd on hostPath and mountVolumne, the --data-dir in the

etcdctl snapshot restore --data-dir

and the commands inside the /etc/kubernetes/manifest/etcd.yaml file. So here let's give a more detailed explanation.

  1. Saving the snapshot
etcdctl snapshot save ./stored.db ...
  • This command connects to the running etcd

  • Takes a snapshot of its current state

  • Saves it as stored.db in current directory on host machine

  1. Restoring the snapshot
etcdctl snapshot restore ./stored.db --data-dir /var/lib/etcd-restore
  • Takes the stored.db snapshot file

  • Unpacks/expands it into a complete etcd data directory structure

  • Places this expanded data directory at /var/lib/etcd-restore on host machine

  • This directory now contains all the database files etcd needs to run

  1. Container mounting and startup
# In etcd.yaml
- hostPath:
    path: /var/lib/etcd-restore  # Host machine directory
    type: DirectoryOrCreate
  name: etcd-data
- mountPath: /var/lib/etcd      # Container directory
  name: etcd-data
  • When etcd pod starts, Kubernetes:

    1. Sees the hostPath volume configuration

    2. Mounts host's /var/lib/etcd-restore directory

    3. Makes it appear at /var/lib/etcd inside container

  1. etcd process startup
- etcd
- --data-dir=/var/lib/etcd
  • etcd process starts inside container

  • Looks for its data at /var/lib/etcd (which is actually host's /var/lib/etcd-restore mounted)

  • Finds and uses the restored data

So the complete data path is:

1. stored.db (snapshot file)
2. /var/lib/etcd-restore/* (expanded data on host)
   ↓ (mount)
3. /var/lib/etcd/* (same data, visible in container)
   ↓ (etcd process)
4. Running etcd using restored data